
隧道窑 Tunnel Kilns

隧道窑(Tunnel Kilns)


Kilns for Traditional ceramics,sanitary ware,technical ceramics,solar crucibles,rare earth products,refractory and foundry products.

窑炉特性(Kiln Features):

模块式结构(Modular Construction,easily install or relocate)

多区脉冲控制系统(Multiple Zones Pulsing Fired System)

独特的窑内搅拌风系统,改善预热段温差(Speacial tempering systems improve the temperature in the preheat zons)

高温段+/-3℃温差控制+/-3℃(Difference at soak)

高程度自动化控制以及强大通信监控功能(Fully Automatic Control and Powerful communication and monitor system)

余热管理系统(Waste Energy Management System)